Have you ever caught yourself on the couch? You know… you’ve got Netflix going, the pillows are squished just right, your snacks are in arms reach.
Or maybe you’ve just gotten in a routine of working at your desk and coming home to veg out before you go to sleep. You start noticing your pants fitting a bit tighter, your energy level is low, and nothing seems to excite you anymore.
So you say to yourself, “I’ve gotta start working out.” You find a program that promises to get you in shape and you start feeling motivated.
And for a week you do pretty good. You start using that gym membership you signed up for last several months. You’re finding some days are a bit easier to manage than others, but you’ve told yourself that you’re going to stick with it this time.
Then “life” starts building up.
The program you choose starts getting boring, not to mention complicated.
And spending an hour and a half at the gym everyday?
You decide you’ll just go a few days a week – “better than nothing, right?” – but somehow those days start becoming fewer and fewer.
Suddenly, you’re back on the couch, scrolling your phone, envying the Instagram “fitspo” posts and wondering why that can’t be you.
You glance down at the snacks on the coffee table and that overwhelming sense of defeat and disgust wash over you.
The negative self-talk starts streaming through your head, spiraling you deeper in the box of cookies in front of you.
And you vow you’ll start doing better. “I’m starting something new… tomorrow! Well… I’ll start next Monday. Wait, it’s already Wednesday after all.”

Can I tell you something?
I’ve been there. Many times. This vicious cycle of getting new-found motivation, starting a new program to get my butt in shape… only to quit after finding it complicated, exhausting, and uninspiring.
I recently found myself in the slump of being overly inactive.
I would work all day at the computer and sit around in the evenings.
I was tired of doing the gym-thing with the same-old routine. I kept finding excuses to not go instead…
I asked myself 3 questions.
What if I could get a great workout with minimal equipment?
I knew it’d be more convenient, and less likely to make excuses so that I wouldn’t go because I don’t have to think about the drive, the traffic, or the weather anymore.
What if I could consistently follow a program without requiring a lot of time?
I did not want to spend everyday or hours working out. Being able to incorporate movement into my day in other ways would keep me from getting burnt out and stick with it better.
What if I could see progress because I’m being consistent?
I realized that consistency is found in a program that is flexible with my schedule, personal preferences, and time constraints while not leaving any room for excuses to fit in.
I wanted something that would help me honor my body with movement it deserves.
I looked for something that answered all of these questions… but you know what? I couldn’t find it.
This is why I built it from the ground up and wanted to share it with you!

A workout app for the everyday woman
Here’s Why This App Works:
Fun & Easy to Understand
The more boring and complicated it is, the more we’re likely to quit and we don’t want that to happen to us. There are no complicated charts, long equipment lists, or crazy moves with this app! Just fun, effective workouts to help you break through your plateaus so you can see results!
Minimal Equipment
There’s no need to go to the gym when you can do your workouts anywhere, anytime! All you need for these workouts are: a pair or two of dumbbells, a small space, bench (if possible), and your phone!
Spend Less Time & Maximize Results
You do not need to workout for hours on end! Only 30-45 minutes, a minimum of three days each week. You’ll be able to get fit while still fitting workouts into your busy schedule because every single workout comes with a 30 minute version if you’re low on time!
Science-Based Approach
Relying on cardio alone is not the best way to go.
Multiple studies show that training with weight training is the key to maximizing your results through fat loss, so you can build lean muscle, and get the body of your dreams!
Rest & Recovery
Contrary to what you may think, you should not “work out” everyday. Your body needs to rest and recover so you come back stronger, faster, and ready to take on the new challenges. This app has built-in rest days so that you can prioritize them to ensure you’re training properly!
Are you ready to take your fitness goals to the next level?
Here’s What People Are Saying…
“It provides me with a full workout all week and I don’t have to think about what’s next!”
— @Breanna B.
“It’s the most consistent I’ve ever been with workouts. because of the variety, I don’t get bored. They are challenging enough yet also familiar that I’m comfortable.”
— Samantha D.
“It’s so easy to just put your workout clothes on and start moving without having to think!”
— Hallie B.
“LOVE the app. No thinking required. Everything is ready to go, workouts can be done anywhere AND it is super affordable. I never get bored because the workouts are always different. “
— Amber M.
“Great home dumbbell workouts with modifications, and Julie is SO motivating!”
— Tara S.
“I love the flexibility of the workouts that you can cater to make your own, do them just about anywhere and make them work with your schedule, also the fact the thinking/planning is done for us every week is huge. Not worrying about what workout I’m going to do is one less step which makes it much easier to stay on track and show up everyday to get it done.”
— Courtney C.
“The workouts have been life changing!! They are/were exactly what I am/was wanting out of a “workout plan”"
— Valerie C.
“My favorite thing is just the support. I've never seen so much support for each other than I do here.”
— Samantha R.
“I love MWJ app! I love that they are different workouts each day and each week and that there is a 30 minute version for every workout so you can get it in!”